Here you can find ways how to contribute to pinknoise
Stream video from an event with your phone
If you want to stream video from an event to us, you can do this easily using an android smartphone.
There is an application called Arutcam, you can find it either on the playstore or from this link LINK
please contact us via (or irc) and tell us about it, we will give you instructions on how to set up the program.
Its better to make short pieces instead of leaving your camera on all the time. Don't move the camera while filming, this makes it very hard to watch.
Bear in mind that everything that you stream with you phone goes unencrypted over the internet. so use it responsible.
Make sure that people you film are aware of this! We dont want to create police informants
In the future we might release an application that will use encryption. But still, be aware of the more general point that people dont always like to be filmed.
Upload content that you made
here (not here yet, we still have to write it) you will find some scripts that will help you setup a content submission box. This is simply a computer with a card reader connected to it, you put you sdcard/CF/whatever in it, wait until it tells you its finished, and you content is on our servers.
here (not here yet, we still have to make it) you can upload stuff to us
On flash cards
If you delete a picture on a camera (or a phone), it is not actually deleted. It is very easy to recover it. So be aware of that (use fresh cards, and hide/destroy your sdcard in case you get arrested)
Guardianproject made some nice smartphone apps that can blur faces and encrypt content.
Obscuracam apk
Dedicated broadcasting setup
If you are doing some event like for example a lecture, and you want us to broadcast it live, here (not here yet) you can find the software and instructions needed to set up a audio/video broadcasting setup. You can either use our infrastructure or build your own.
If you want to use ours, sending us an email on or drop by at our irc channel #pinknoise on
We intend to do some workshop on this in the future.
If you would like to post a story on our website talk to us or send it to us.
Improve our infrastructue
If you are into computers, networks, video, audio, etc, and would like to cooperate with us, contact us.
Here is the stuff we use for video broadcasts (snowmix/ gstreamer / some stuff we did ourself):
If you want to know how to use it, ask us.
If you like our stuff, tell your friends about it.
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