Bungehuis occupation & eviction live stream
live broadcast:
Your browser does not support the video tag. Use for example vlc to play the video: http://deathstar.puscii.nl:8000/camera.ogv
live camera's from the Spuistraat:
Your browser does not support the video tag. Use for example vlc to play the video: http://deathstar.puscii.nl:8000/ptz.ogv
And another videostream from across the street of the Bungehuis: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bungehuis THE STORY: Last Friday the Bungehuis in Amsterdam got occupied by students, teachers and other sympathizers. Under the name of 'De Nieuwe Universiteit' [the new university], they demand: 1. Democratic election of the university board 2. Change of the allocation model: finance based on input, not on efficiency 3. Cancellation of the current Profiel 2016 4. Referendums per institute and programme about collaboration between the UvA and the VU at the FNWI (Faculty of Science) 5. Fixed contracts instead of flexible staff appointments 6. An open debate about housing costs in relation to budget cuts of reseach and education. In connection to this: retaining the Bungehuis as UvA-location The general motivation behind all these demands is discontent with the current ways of management. Top down, efficiency-oriented management damages the very thing a university should revolve around: research and education. Although the court ordered today that the people inside the building are unlawfully there, the occupieers are not planning on leaving the building before their demands are met. As a consequence, police-eviction is assumed to take place this night. The full manifest of the 'new university' can be found here: http://newuni.nl/manifest (dutch) A link to another videostream from across the street of the Bungehuis: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bungehuis MORE INFORMATION, UPDATES, AND VIDEO WILL FOLLOW =-

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